AIIMS Study on Delta Variant: This Strain is the Reason for People getting Infected after Vaccination

The study states that the delta variant of coronavirus (B.1.617.2) is behind most cases of infection in people who have been vaccinated.
Image Credit: ANI news
Image Credit: ANI news
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Amidst reports of people getting infected with the corona vaccine, Delhi AIIMS has conducted a study. The study states that the delta variant of coronavirus (B.1.617.2) is behind most cases of infection in people who have been vaccinated. This strain of corona is also infecting people who have had single or double doses of the vaccine. However, it was a matter of relief that most people only showed symptoms like a high fever. No one had to deal with serious diseases.

The research was done on 63 breakthrough infected people

AIIMS included 63 people in the study who had a corona infection after getting the vaccine. Of these, there were 36 people who had taken both doses of the vaccine and 27 people had taken only one dose. Of these, 10 people were given Corona Vaccine Covishield and 53 were Covaxine.

According to AIIMS, 41 of the people involved in the study were men and 22 were women. The study found that all these 63 people got infected even after taking the vaccine, but not one of them died. Most of these people had a very high fever for 5-7 days.

Delta variant found in 60% of people taking both doses

The study revealed that 63% of the people who took both doses of the vaccine were infected with the delta variant, while 77% of the people who took one dose were found to have the delta variant of the coronavirus. Only the samples collected for routine testing of patients coming to the emergency department of AIIMS were studied. These included high fever, shortness of breath, and headache. However, this study has not yet been reviewed.

Viral load higher in people who got both vaccines

According to the study report, the viral load was very high in all the patients during the research, whether they took a single dose of the vaccine or both doses. Viral load levels were found to be significantly higher in those who received both the CoviShield and Covaxin vaccines.

What is Delta Variant?

Corona variant B.1.167.2 was behind the second wave of corona in India. It was first found in India. This was revealed in October 2020. This variant was named the 'Delta variant' by the World Health Organization (WHO). So far this train has been found in about 53 countries of the world.

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