Prime Minister Imran Khan wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi between the Lok Sabha elections in the country. In this, he has said that all the cases between India and Pakistan can be All cases can be resolved only by conversation. In the letter written by the end of April, the Pakistan PM has mentioned the Kashmir problem and cited it. Imran Khan wrote this letter after the message of PM Modi when he congratulated the March on Pakistan National Day.
On Pak National Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent good wishes to the Prime Minister of Pakistan. This information was tweeted by Imran Khan. he said that PM Modi bestowed good wishes to the people of Pakistan, that people from the sub-continent should come together for a democratic, peaceful and cordial atmosphere where there is no place for violence and terror. In a recent letter, the Pakistan PM has described Pakistan as a solution to the Kashmir problem, but in this letter, there has been no talk of terrorism or terrorism anywhere. In the letter, he only wrote a solution to all the issues.
Earlier, in a letter written in September 2018, the Pakistan Prime Minister had offered a bilateral dialogue between the two countries' Foreign Ministry in the United Nations. In this letter, he mentioned the efforts to end terrorism. On this letter, the Government of India agreed to the negotiation.