A special initiative has been taken by Japan so that the local supply chain is never affected and their dependence on China can also be reduced. The Government of Japan has decided to pay money to withdraw Japanese companies from China and bring them back to Japan. Japan is spending $ 53.6 million to manufacture 57 of its companies back home from China.
In addition, 30 other companies are also being paid to bring their units back to Japan from Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand and Southeast Asian countries. The government will spend about 70 billion yen in total for this.
Another example of countries taking a stand against China is because the Chinese way is not right. From blackmailing on the economic front, no country is feeling good about not respecting the border of another country. The government of Taiwan also made a similar policy in 2019 as Japan has made.
At the same time, America is already in the process of removing its companies from China. Apple has also decided to increase its plants in India. Many companies want to come out of China. India also banned apps earlier and has now started clamping down on Chinese companies. It is possible that in the coming time, Chinese companies may be shown a way out of India.