UP: High Voltage Drama Unfolds in Saharanpur as Intoxicated Girls Create Ruckus | WATCH VIDEO

A hotel on Railway Road in UP's Saharanpur witnessed a chaotic scene during a birthday party, as three girls created a ruckus on the street.
UP: High Voltage Drama Unfolds in Saharanpur as Intoxicated Girls Create Ruckus | WATCH VIDEO
UP: High Voltage Drama Unfolds in Saharanpur as Intoxicated Girls Create Ruckus | WATCH VIDEO
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A hotel on Railway Road in UP's Saharanpur witnessed a chaotic scene during a birthday party, as three girls created a ruckus on the street.

The intoxicated girls were seen incessantly hurling abuses, attracting attention from bystanders. Not stopping there, the girls even used foul language towards the police officers at the scene.

Upon conducting a medical test, it was confirmed that the girls were under the influence of alcohol. Subsequently, female police officers took the girls into custody.

Watch the video here on Since Independence:

UP: High Voltage Drama Unfolds in Saharanpur as Intoxicated Girls Create Ruckus | WATCH VIDEO
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