UIDAI Issued Warning, Now Plastic Aadhar Card is Not Valid

In this statement, the authority had said that do not use a plastic base or smart base card.
UIDAI Issued Warning, Now Plastic Aadhar Card is Not Valid
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If you have made a plastic card or are going to be made, then carefully read this news first. The Indian Unique Identification Authority has alerted the people about the Smart Aadhar card. He said that due to Smart Aadhaar card, your information could be stolen. Please inform that the issuing authority, UIDAI, has issued a tweet warning that the plastic base or the base smart card / PVC card is not valid. In February 2018, UIDAI issued a statement stating the loss of the plastic base card. In this statement, the authority had said that do not use a plastic base or smart base card.

With such a card, your base details are at risk of privacy. UIDAI says that the plastic base card does not work many times. because the QR code becomes disconnected due to unauthorized printing of the plastic base. Also, the risk of sharing your permission without your personal details in the base is also threatened. In his statement, UIDAI has also emphasized that besides the original basis, the base and the Moods downloaded on a simple paper are completely valid.

That's why you do not need to fall into the premise of a smart base. Even you do not even need a color print. Also, you do not need a separate base card lamination or plastic base card. If your base is lost, you can download it for free from https://eaadhaar.uidai.gov.in.

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