Researchers at Aviv University discovered treatment for HIV

Cancer and HIV, are one of the most deadly diseases in which science had not yet gained much success. However in a recent study, in terms of cancer, the Researchers found a Eureka moment when Dostarlimab, a drug showed 100% efficacy in the patients suffering from Rectal Cancer.
Researchers at Aviv University discovered treatment for HIV
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Cancer and HIV, are one of the most deadly diseases in which science had not yet gained much success. However in a recent study, in terms of cancer, the Researchers found a Eureka moment when Dostarlimab, a drug showed 100% efficacy in the patients suffering from Rectal Cancer.

This Drug to their astonishment left no mark on the disease in the patients when they were diagnosed with a physical exam, endoscopy, positron emission tomography (PET) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans.

This new research brought a ray of hope for all cancer victims. Meanwhile, Medical Science is now all set to cure yet another disease Human immunodeficiency virus also known as HIV. As per the latest development, a team of researchers at Tel Aviv Univesity has developed a new vaccine using gene editing and it holds the potential to cure HIV-Aids.

As known widely, HIV attacks immune system of one’s body and, if not treated on time, it can cause Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). At present, there is no cure for HIV-Aids and genetic treatment does not exist for the condition.
Developed Initial Success
The team has got initial success in neutralising the virus through a single vaccine. The vaccine is developed by engineering-type B white blood cells and it activates the immune system to produce HIV-neutralizing antibodies. The research was led by Dr. Adi Barzel and PhD student Alessio Nehmad, both from the School of Neurobiology, Biochemistry and Biophysics at The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences and the Dotan Center for Advanced Therapies at TAU in collaboration with the Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov)at Tel Aviv University.

Results obtained from the study were then published in the journal Nature, which details the antibodies as "safe, potent, and scalable, which may be applicable not only to infectious diseases but also in the treatment of non-communicable conditions, such as cancer and autoimmune disease."

we can expect that over the coming years we will be able to produce a medication for AIDS, additional infectious diseases and certain types of cancer caused by a virus, such as cervical cancer, head and neck cancer and more.
Dr. Barzel

Dr. Barzel adding further states: "We developed an innovative treatment that may defeat the virus with a one-time injection, with the potential of bringing about tremendous improvement in the patients' condition.

When the engineered B cells encounter the virus, the virus stimulates and encourages them to divide, so we are utilizing the very cause of the disease to combat it. Furthermore, if the virus changes, the B cells will also change accordingly in order to combat it, so we have created the first medication ever that can evolve in the body and defeat viruses in the 'arms race'.”

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